Temple Stay- This past weekend i had the opportunity to stay overnight at a temple. It was a unique temple in that its main teacher/founder was a women. Its pretty rare to have many male Sumin(monks/nuns) follow a nuns teachings. The temple was gorgeous. Situated above a small city it was surrounded by trees and mountains. The main grounds have a main temple hall, a mountain shrine, the conference center, the cafeteria and more sleeping arrangment, SUNIMS quarters and shrines for the deceased. We all stayed in one large room on mats on the floor (except the boys were in a different room). While there we participated in meditation, ceremonies, and conversations with the monks. It was extremely interesting. One of the monks that was visiting was actually from the United States so he was very easy to understand. The first day we arrived in time for a few talks and discussions on how to bow and meditate. We toured the grounds and got to eat a traditional monastic meal. Eaten in silence we took cleaning your plate to a whole new level. After eating our food we rinsed the bowls and drank the water. We then rinsed them one more time to wash them and drank the water. Zero waste, no talking, and sitting on the floor. I never realized how difficult it was to sit cross legged on the floor, or on your knees, for such a long period of time. All of me hurt at the end of it and I could barely bow anymore. It was very interesting but I’m in pain. We then participated in evening candle ceremony to remember the living and walked about the temple. We were asleep by 10 pm so we could wake up for the 3:30 morning ceremony. We went to the temple and joined the monks in chanting and mediation to start the morning. After the ceremony was a finished, and a quick nap was taken, we ate breakfast in the dining hall. all the food was delicious, vegetation, and fresh! After breakfast we rotated between mediation, lotus flower making, prayer bead making, and discussion with the Sunim. It was very informative and helpful. I made some great stuff and the Sunim were so friendly and helpful. We then listened and discussed a few more ideas of buddhism, meditated a few more minutes, and headed for some delicious lunch. We said our goodbyes and loaded on the buses back to our marble mansion. It was an amazing experience, even though I’m exhausted a sore. I loved being so personal with the Sunims and the temple, and i actually felt like i was meditating. I also feel like i can go to temples without looking ridiculous. Though thats been done a million times before, this isn't my first time in Asia people. Temples on temples on temples last time i was here. There all different, beautiful, and unique in their ideals.
Up quote of the post : “Young Ellie: [to Carl] You don't talk much... I like you!”
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