Wednesday, August 20, 2014


First day down, here we go.  So our contract says absolutely no teaching on the first day but you know, what does that even mean.  So I met two of my classes today and they were just thrilled to see me.  Ive never been so popular ya’ll.  And the bowing, i mean really.  Overall the girls are amazing.  They are so smart and sweet, the only issues are that some of them are sleepy, coming from the 15 hours per day.  For reals.  But they were all nice, even though I ran out of time and my computer wasn't acting the best.  But all well.  My co-teacher is very nice and friendly.  I got my bank info sorted out and a NEW PHONE!  hit me up (not really its a Korean phone) 01032921286. BUT i only taught two classes in-between which i awkwardly sat in the teachers lounge reading the past ETAs advice.  Then I went home around 4:15 which is early here :O.  But all in all it was a good day.  Many teacher beautiful.  Oh and for the third time in two days i have been complimented for my abilities to use chopsticks.  Came home, ate another delicious meal, and even went to the store.  real Korea man.  My apartment is not airconditioned and my school is only airconditioned in some rooms after lunch but let me tell you…this school was voted number one for school lunches! You know its good because the students like it.  Oh and Erik is now considered very handsome and Steven looks like Leonardo DiCaprio…all white people look the same problems.  Oh and here are my host brothers, who I have successfully bonded with over word yet from the dad :P

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