Thursday, November 26, 2015

Its been a while

It's been a while since I've updated my blog...and by a while I mean over a year.  So here's a quick run down of whats happened:

1.) I traveled to the Philippines and am now a certified Diver.
 - This was an amazing trip and I'm so glad I was able to go.  
-Warm Weather
-  Beautiful Oceans (Dumaguette, Liquid dive)
-  Awesome people (especially the great hostel owner Junel in Cebu)
- Great adventures and solo travel
 - Including a trip to Palawan where I met 4 awesome Aussies, a Brit, a bunch of Americans from Hong Kong and many more people. Discovered hidden beaches, great food, and minimal motor bike accidents
  -An amazing couple who drove me to my hostel from the airport when the taxi lines were literally hours long and I was stranded.
2.) Steven came to visit
                    -  No ones ever visited me abroad and having him come see where I lived and worked was great.  I hope he and others come visit me where ever I wind up in the future.

3.) Worked at an English Summer camp as Activities Director
                    -  I didn't realizing how much I missed the camp environment until I got here.  It was wonderful meeting and working with everyone and it truly made me excited to be living in Korea again.  Getting the chance to be activities director was incredible and though I absolutely killed my voice during the few weeks I had an amazing time working with the Planning team.  Everyone was incredible, hard working, and loving.  The late nights were rough but I genuinely looked forward to procrastinating with everyone each night.  The staff, Kids, and new ETAs were inspirational and I can't wait to see where they all go next!

3.) I renewed for a second year at my school.
                    - I also moved out of my home-stay into a lovely little apartment.  Its tiny but incredibly close to my school.  With some help from friends I made it livable with little cost.

4.)  I became even closer to my group of friends in Cheongju.  
                    -  This was a huge reason for I think a lot of us to stay.  Having such a close group is so   great, especially in a foreign country.  We meet up at least once a week (and by at least I mean, I will have seen them 6 out of 7 days this week) and do all types of friendship  activities, including eating out every Thursday.  They have become my little family in Korea and I love them all for it.  Living abroad comes with its challenges but they are always there for whatever I need, mostly foreign food and movies, but you know.

5.) I ran a 5k and 10k
                 - Both times weren't so great but I did it. So there. And now it's snowy and I don't know if I'll ever run outside again...until Spring. :P

6) I accidentally dyed my hair bright red