Monday, November 17, 2014

November begins!

This is what happens when I put off blog posts for a long time, eventually I’ll forget and well…I never submitted my Japan one from study abroad over two years ago haha.  Well November has been pretty great so far.  I was able to travel a bit and meet with some friends all over the place.  I made my way as far South as I’ve been to celebrate a fellow ASU Fulbrighters birthday.  It was a fun time, though a bit crazy at times.  I’ve also been able to meet some new friends in Cheongju and try some delicious food!  I was able to make it up to Seoul for Halloweekend and had a great time meeting with friends, going out, and just generally having a great time.  Including some delicious Mexican food, craft beers, costumes, a bit overcrowded club, and more.  A few weeks later and it was already “Thanksgiving”.  Or the thanksgiving feast the embassy and Fulbright put on for us.  This included meeting with some foreign service officers, taking a tour of the museum, and eating TONS of delicious food.  I had a great time with all the great Fulbrighters and eating far too muck Turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies, pie and so much more.  To top it all off we ended the weekend with a visit to a Dog cafe.  Yes a cafe where you can pay for a coffee and in turn get to socialize with adorable puppies of all sizes.  SOOOOO adorable! 
“My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you!”

 I also apparently have mutual friends with a Korean TV star (Tyler above) he was really cool to talk to

Teaching struggles

For teaching every things been going ok.  I love my kids, my school, and my family but sometimes it feels like I’m not making a huge difference.  I just have so many students it can be difficult connecting to them.  I dont even know most of their names.  I miss teaching in America where I knew my kids siblings, hobbies, and favorite units.  With no grades or accountability its hard to feel like I’m needed.  Recently foreign teachers have been facing cuts throughout Korea as the education budget struggles.  This worries me but when I see my work load compared to others its really hard to see my worth.  I hope I’m helping my students culturally and with their native listening and speaking.  My goals are for them to speak for naturally and to be comfortable.  I use my class time more focused on allowing the students to practice natural speaking and having fun.  They face enough stress in their lives and I hope I can give them a little bit of a break, even just once a group.  I mean these kids are in school 8am until 10pm so they need it.  I can just hope they're getting something out of it.  They seam to like it and they seam to like me, but we’ll see haha.   

I'm also trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.  I've got too many options, but I guess thats not really a problem haha.  

“His fool's errand will keep him most occupied. Most occupied, indeed. Ha ha ha! Do you not agree with that which I am saying to you now?”